Connector Program

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Want to connect a neighbor with our Welcome Packet? Use this FORM to request one and a Neighborhood Connector will reach out shortly!


The FNA searched and could not find a relationship-based connection model within the City of Minneapolis’ current array of resources. In order to generate localized community power through ongoing, regular, meaningful contact and connections with neighbors, FNA established a program that is decentralized and flexible. The Folwell neighborhood, like much of the Northside, experiences systemic disinvestment, high poverty, and transitional living which creates major gaps in having healthy people and families and building capacity for safe and stable blocks, neighborhoods, and cities. The FNA believes the Connector Program will create long term trust between neighbors and the association by

  1. Committing to making one-on-one connections with every household at a minimum of once per year. By making personal and individualized contacts, FNA will show that it’s possible and preferable to a) humanize neighborhood networks, and b) decentralize deliverables and the way information has been historically shared. Giving people access to information, support, and services strengthens community and builds power.

  2. Creating and investing in tools to build a knowledge base that is accessible, openly sourced, and shared, and not dependent on any one individual to carry out the next steps. Rather, a communication and contact management system will be built to be shared and searchable according to set criteria or many points of intersection.

FNA’s Connector Program is an Integrated Engagement Model

  1. Neighbors know each other and offer peer support + grassroots networking

  2. Folwell is known as the center of the localized network

  3. Minneapolis/city is known as a larger resource/support network

Vision or Why We Do It: The Connector Program seeks to hold or expose individual/household dignity where it has been lacking and to fight for systemic equity. 

Mission or What We Do: The Connector Program builds trust between neighbors, the FNA, and beyond by opening access to resources through block-by-block connections with the ultimate goal of having a strong, vibrant, livable community.

Connector Program Announcements


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